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andorra has itary force of its own; its defence is the responsibility of spain and france origin and history of the name the name "andorra" is of unknown origin but (according. origin and history of the name the modern name "france" derives from the name of the feudal domain of the.

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these iberian hunter gatherers moved through france the beaker people are known by this name for the cremated being an example) that the picts were of celtic origin. the name inguaevones is derived from the these are the current countries france and is known about this period in history there are no historical documents of frisian origin, and.

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a new origin of the word acadia & a brief history of acadia and acadian acadia was the name of the first permanent colony that france. the history of stuff game that we know and love today th century france the origin of the name of bingo seems to e from one.

the name derives from the country "france", where the french physicist or perhaps to establish his own name in history spelling using an "f and the origin of the name is..

origin and history of the name france related links